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公司名称: Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co., LTD. 
所在省份: 北京  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: programmable power meter   
公司简介: Jiangsu Acrel Electrical manufacturing co., LTD., the manufacturer base located in Jiangyin, Wuxi City, is a pioneer enterprise integrates the informatization and industrialization of Jiangsu province. It has a multiple function product test center(CNAS certified), which can carry out a variety of tests on environment, electromagnetic compatibility, safety and reliability. The production relies on the advanced information management system and strictly follow the ISO9001 management standard, which provide a guarantee for industrialization and large-scale implementation of the products. The annual capacity of the electrical meter is 2 million sets, 1.5 million power transformers and 10,000 sets of energy-saving cabinets. 
Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co., LTD. / 北京 / No.5 Dongmeng Road, Nanzha Street, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Provin (214405) / 电话:86 510 86179966

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